Louisiana State Animal Response Team

Lafayette, LA 70506



LSART Volunteers

LSART Volunteers

There are many roles to fulfill during a disaster from administration, shelter care, medical evaluations, and technical rescue. Some positions may require specialized training and extra experience(such as large animal rescues), while other positions anyone can do. Data entry, food preparation, inventory, cleaning gear, or setting up a shelter are a few things that anyone can help with! No one role is more important than another and it takes our entire team to make our missions to help animals successful.

Thanks if you have already volunteered with LSART!

Click here for the LSART Membership Application Form!

Out of State Volunteers are needed and welcome when we have emergencies that involve animals! 

Ideally, volunteers would come to us under the auspices of national humane organizations with which we have developed Memoranda of Understanding.  Response to emergencies is always most effective if there is a coordinated effort. LSART works within the state and federal system to ensure an organized and efficient response to assist the maximum number of animals during emergencies and disasters.
We also want those interested in working with LSART independent of any organization to know they are welcome and needed.  You can fill out a volunteer form and check the News page for any ongoing responses.